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Crate is to sharing files, what Dropbox is to storing them.

Published: Feb 10, 2011 6:46 pm

Crate is to sharing files, what Dropbox is to storing them.

Crate allows users to upload files to its servers (even big files that would choke your email inbox). When that is complete Crate gives you a URL to share with your friends. The user interface is very intuitive and if you ever used Gmail’s drag and drop attachment tool then you already know how to use Crate.

I’ve been blown away by the attention to detail in this app. Checkout the really short video we shot of Crate in action.

How does it work?
In a word, “beautifully”. The attention to detail is fantastic, and the animations are a nice touch. More importantly it works as advertised. For browsers that don’t support the HTML5 drag and drop, a fallback simple uploader option is available.

I asked the founder of Crate, Sahil Lavingia, why he put so much emphasis on the user experience and it turn out it was a business decision.

At first there was quite a bit of confusion but we’ve alleviated a lot of the issues (and the emails, oh God the emails!) with UI changes and the addition of click-to-upload on browsers that don’t support HTML5.

Crate boasts just under 10,000 users, and is adding hundreds more every week.

Crate is bootstrapped and is already profitable.

Sahil tipped us that a native Mac app and iPhone version are on the way, so keep your eyes peeled for that.

Whenever you’re uploading data to a third party site, be sure to read their privacy policy. Crate seems to take privacy seriously, and strikes a fair balance in this department.

Give it a try at letscrate.com

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Hi, I'm Paul Hontz.

I'm a YC alumn and I love startups. I created TSF to highlight companies I find interesting. You can learn more about me here.

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