Paul Hontz

Hi, my name is Paul Hontz. I created The Startup Foundry to connect with other founders and to have a place where entrepreneurs could share freely. I’ve learned so much from the startup community and I wanted to give back. I see TSF as being a vehicle to make that happen.

My other startup is redacted. We’re currently bootstrapping some of our own apps by doing contract work on the side (so if your startup is looking to hire a UI designer or UX specialist, give me a shout!

All the best and I hope you continue to read, share, and enjoy TSF.
Paul Hontz

P.S. You should follow TSF on Twitter @startupfoundry!

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Picture of Paul

Hi, I'm Paul Hontz.

I'm a YC alumn and I love startups. I created TSF to highlight companies I find interesting. You can learn more about me here.

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