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An inside look at one of our sponsors: The Grasshopper Group

Published: Jun 17, 2011 1:23 pm

I want TSF Sponsors to be a part of the community. Readers and advertisers should have a healthy relationship. We decided one of the ways we could make this happen is to provide a behind the scenes look at Grasshopper. I asked Jonathan Kay from Grasshopper to sit down with me and have a quick 5 minute interview .

Contact Jonathan Kay – Grasshopper Group jkay@grasshoppergroup.com

When I was looking for a solution for my small business I started using Google Voice. It was a huge mistake. Google Voice was fine for my personal use, but things started to fall apart when I tried to shoehorn it into my business needs.

Grasshopper has been around for the past 8 years and has a fantastic grasp on the challenges entrepreneurs face while setting up their phones. You can think of them as “Google Voice” of the business world. In addition of covering their basic features, Grasshopper provides: Unlimited Extensions (or just extensions period), Unlimited voicemail boxes, dial by name directory.

• After hours greetings, vacation / holiday greetings…do you really want to receive calls at 9pm on a Tuesday?

• Grasshopper gives you simple number portability. This was one of the biggest issues I had with Google Voice, and Grasshopper solves the problem flawlessly.

• On hold music (some customers actually record a commercial or a joke instead of music…people get real creative)

• Multiple number’s which all forward / connect to one account. Say for instance you want a local and toll free number. With Google voice you can only forward 1 number to 1 cell phone…not multiple extensions or numbers.

• Grasshopper also has 24/7 / 365 US based support.

Be sure to check Grasshopper out!

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Hi, I'm Paul Hontz.

I'm a YC alumn and I love startups. I created TSF to highlight companies I find interesting. You can learn more about me here.

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