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TSF Next Level: Learn the simple copywriting system to double conversions

Published: Apr 19, 2011 4:35 pm


My goal with TSF is to help entrepreneurs and founders grow. I’ve been doing this by hosting interviews, writing articles, and covering brand new startups. The communities response has been fantastic and I’ve been looking for ways to improve my content and go even deeper in subject matter.

I talked with Andrew Warner about my aspirations for TSF and we have decided to run an experiment. Andrew and I have teamed up to provide hour long courses for entrepreneurs that get results. We will bring in an expert and have them teach actionable steps for entrepreneurs to implement in their startups.

We are looking for feedback on this course. If you love or hate this idea, I want to hear about it. Feel free to leave a comment on this article or email me at tipbox@thestartupfoundry.com. If you’re on the fence for this course, buy it. If you’re unhappy with it, let me know and I’ll refund your money and you can keep the course for free.

Note: This course has already been recorded so the audience won’t be able to ask questions live.

The Course:

Andrew’s story:
A few weeks ago, while getting ready to sell the first product on my site, I had a painful realization.

I realized that it didn’t matter that I worked hard for weeks to create my product. It didn’t matter that I paid extra for the best software to deliver it. It didn’t matter that I tested my online shopping cart over and over using every family member’s credit card to be sure it worked well.

None of it mattered.

The only thing that mattered — the only thing that determined whether my product was a hit or flop — was the text I wrote to sell it. (Haven’t you found that in your work?)

The realization freaked me out because I spent hundreds of hours getting everything right and now it all came down to this one sales page.

So I sat at my computer and started to write. Well I tried to write. What I ended up doing was futzing with the design of the page and the size of the font. Then I made myself endless cups of coffee and … well, you get the idea. (Have you ever done that?)

Around that time, I interviewed Dane Maxwell on Mixergy (my site). I asked him, in essence, “Dane, you’re not a professional copywriter. You create web apps. So how do you create sales pages that sell hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of web-based solutions to real estate professionals who are notoriously reluctant to buy online?”

What I discovered is that he has a mindset and a framework that help him write irresistible copy and gets people to buy. To him, copywriting is actually fun because he knows the fundamentals of how to do it right. (Haven’t you found that in your life? The better you become at something the more fun you have with it, right?)

Sign me up!

What are other people saying about it?

He opened my eyes to a new way of doing things, and he did the same for my audience. Check out the comments from people who heard the interview:

“Have Dane come back EVERY WEEK!!” — Michael Weiss

“Excellent. Love to hear more on sales strategies from Dane.” — Reedge

“Just awesome” — Bob Hiler

“Andrew, I’m a techie dude.. and turned off from lead generation. But this guy is on the money!” — Amul Patel

You can understand why they’d get excited, right? I mean, how much are good copywriting skills worth to a company? $5,000? $100,000? More?

So that’s why I asked Dane to teach this course.

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Hi, I'm Paul Hontz.

I'm a YC alumn and I love startups. I created TSF to highlight companies I find interesting. You can learn more about me here.

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